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Mike Williams (born 1940)

Michael Charles Williams (born 1940)

Since his first cartoon was published in Punch in 1967, Mike Williams has contributed regularly to many periodicals. His technically confident watercolour images have an immediate charm, but can also be darkly humorous. He has a particular interest in comic representations of animal life, which he calls his ‘Animalia’, and of historical events.

Mike Williams was born in Liverpool on 24 February 1940, the younger son of George H Williams and his wife, Margaret (née Watterson). His elder brother, Pete Williams, also became a cartoonist.

He was educated at Quarry Bank High School for Boys (where his contemporaries included John Lennon). Then, from 1957, he trained as a commercial artist and illustrator while working in the art studios of Henry Pybus and Littlewoods.

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