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Big Ears' Tea Party Noddy and Bumpy Dog
The Sunrise
A Scorpion and a Kicking Cockroach
The Romance of Birds
Do you love your little pussies I do!!! Do your ...
The Old Hound
Red Parrot
Blue and Gold Macaw
Two Sheep
Dog and Monkey
The Quarry Attacked
Bird's Nest and Chaffinch
Primroses and Bird's Nest
Daddy's Girl
Adam Bede
The Farmyard
And so the poor dog had none
Dormouse the Blue Tits
Wild Cat
American Mink
Edible Dormouse
Water Vole
Common Shrew
Swan and Cygnets
The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage
Pat Pet
Learning to Count
Pat it Do not hit it It is a pet
Touchline Hedgehog