Starr Wood (1870-1944)
The sons of a customs officer, Starr Wood was born in London on 1 February 1870. Privately educated, he entered a chartered accountant’s office in 1887, but five years later began to work full time as a periodical illustrator, often using the pseudonym ‘The Snark’. Success led him to found his own quarterly, the Windmill, in 1898 and, from 1910, Snark’s Annual, for which he had sole responsibility, illustrating it in a wide variety of styles. He illustrated a few books, beginning with Rhymes of the Regiments (1898). He was a close friend and walking companion of James Thorpe, a fellow member of the London Sketch Club. He left London in 1910 to live in Hertfordshire, and died on 2 September 1944.
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