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Ann Wyeth Mccoy (1915-2005)

Ann Wyeth McCoy (1915-2005)

As a daughter of one of America’s greatest illustrators, N C Wyeth, and a sister of one of the most prominent realist painters of the twentieth century, Andrew Wyeth, Ann Wyeth McCoy was part of one of the most influential families in the history of American art. Though a talented musician in her youth, she developed a reputation as a highly skilled watercolourist in her own right. Despite no formal training, Ann Wyeth McCoy focussed on serene, beautifully composed watercolours of the world around her, creating a visual journal of peaceful life in rural America.

Ann Wyeth was born in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, on 15 March 1915, the fourth of five children of Newell Convers Wyeth and Carolyn Brenneman Bockius Wyeth. Her father, known as N C Wyeth, is widely regarded as one of America’s greatest illustrators, best known for his illustrations to the ‘Scribner Classics’ series, including
Treasure Island (1911), Robin Hood (1917) and Robinson Crusoe (1920). Ann Wyeth was raised in a highly artistic environment that nurtured the creative passions of her and her siblings.

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