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Summer Day

Charles Knight (1901-1990)



Oil on canvas

29 ½ x 39 ¾ inches

Michael Brockway, Charles Knight, RWS, POI, Leigh-on-Sea: F Lewis, page 101, catalogue no 198

Royal Academy, 1944;
Brighton Art Gallery, 1944;
Royal Society of British Artists, 1947 (by invitation);
'Chris Beetles Summer Show 2024', Chris Beetles Gallery, London, June-September 2024, no 134

'This picture is the product of careful wash drawings and colour sketches, which were made on the spot, and it involves a complexity of motives, which only the final oil version has been able fully to orchestrate.
It shows a breezy summer's day, the wind stirring the leaves in numerous light rhythmic flourishes, which accentuate the structural element of the design. This turns on the central tree, which has been uprooted by a gale of the previous winter and has fallen across the others, of which the largest holds it locked in its branches. All the scars made by the upheaval have been covered by festoons of ivy and clematis, whose curves weave together the principle components of the design.'
Michael Brockway,
Charles Knight RWS, ROI, Leigh-on-Sea: F Lewis, 1952, page 73

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