Sir Reginald Blomfield (Intro), Architectural Water-Colours and Etchings of W Walcot, London: H C Dickins & Technical Journals, 1919, page 24 H C Dickins, 'Chronological List of Etchings', as it appears in Blomfield, 1919, no 23; Elizabeth Harvey-Lee, William Walcot Catalogue Raisonné, online, no 39
'Paintings, Water-Colours and Etchings by William Walcot', Fine Art Society, London, June 1924; 'Etchings by Leading Artists', Fine Art Society, London, December 1927; 'William Walcot: Artist & Architect', Chris Beetles Gallery, London, October 2018, no 11 'The London Show 1750-2025' Chris Beetles Gallery, London, March 2025
Published by H C Dickins in 1915, in an edition of 140. Originally priced at 3 guineas. Another etching of the same title was published by the Fine Art Society in 1929 but is larger.