Sir Reginald Blomfield (Intro), Architectural Water-Colours and Etchings of W Walcot, London: H C Dickins & Technical Journals, 1919, page 15
H C Dickins, manuscript, 'Chronological List of Etchings', 1920-1924, no 38;
Elizabeth Harvey-Lee, William Walcot Catalogue Raisonné, online, no 56
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London, 1917, no 1162, as 'Patricians Arriving in the Forum, Rome';
'Paintings, Water-Colours and Etchings by William Walcot', James Connell & Sons, London, April 1918, no 8 as 'Roman Patricians in the Forum';
'Rare Original Etchings by Bone, Brangwyn, Cameron, Strang, Walcot, Whistler, Zorn Etc', The Fine Art Society, London, May 1923, as 'Romans in the Forum';
'William Walcot 1874-1943, Centenary Exhibition', Fine Art Society, London, 1974, no 61;
'William Walcot: Artist & Architect', Chris Beetles Gallery, London, October 2018, no 20;
'Italy 1800-2025: A Celebration of an English Love Affair', Chris Beetles Gallery, London, April 2025
Published by H C Dickins in 1917 in an edition of 45, originally priced at 5 Guineas.
'Walcot has not thought to reverse the SPQR and ROMA lettering on the plate, so it prints backwards in the print. The only other impression of this plate I have seen also had the tablet at the foot blank.
The illustration in the Dickins’ book (entitled Romans in the Forum, though in the Chronological List of Etchings in the same book it is given as Patricians in the Forum, Rome) shows only the vignette scene of the Forum, though the measurements given for the plate are those which include the blank tablet and symbols of Rome at the foot, so it is possible that after publication in 1917 the plate may have been cut down.'
Elizabeth Harvey-Lee, William Walcot Catalogue Raisonné