Chris Beetles Gallery, Ryder Street, London
17 April - 11 May 2013
Opposite each other were two men of the class of ...
While the doctor was bringing all this out, Renzo ...
Fra Cristoforo fixed on him a pair of blazing eyes
Don Abbondio flung books, papers, ink-pot, and ...
Behind these gratings was standing a nun
Renzo woke and saw a man in black standing at the ...
The nobleman saw Lucia huddled still and quiet in ...
To the hungry they dispensed soup, eggs, bread and ...
Don Rodrigo pulled out a pistol from under the ...
I declare you absolved from the vow of virginity
An Innocent Punished
Forewarned but Forestalled
No Good Comes from Marrying Foreigners
Waltz of Death
Out of School
An Error of Judgement
The Mirror and the Cross
Professional Girls [I]
Professional Girls [II]
The Sacrifice
Initial Letter G
Initial Letter G: a Fishy One
Prisoners In the Cave
Hero of a Hundred Fights
The Photo of the Colonel
The Killer
Pompey the Great