Barn: Unloading Haycart, C1919
Dick and Bob, 1919
The Shepherd, C1919
Binding Faggots
Old Nag and Old Bill, C1918
Demolition of Devonshire House, Piccadilly
The Almonry
Low Force, Teesdale
Low Force
The Plough, 1921
Drinking at the Pond II, C1920
Mary, with all my love, Anthony
Timber Hauling, Devon I, 1919
Farmer with Cow, C1919
Burning Twitch
Across the Lake, Mont Cenis, 1919
Day's End
Four Horse Log Team, C1918
The Knight, C1916
The Sands, Littlehampton, 1914
Small Landscape, C1913
Women Leading a Cart Horse, Lanslebourg, C1911
The Wash Tub, 1913
The Slipway, C1913
Mending Nets, C1913
Village Street with Children, C1912
Boat Building II, C1913
Horse Operating Winch, c1910
Feeding Chickens by the Cottage, C1910
Sunset In a Wood In Provence