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Angela Barrett (born 1955)

Angela Barrett (born 1955)

Angela Barrett was born in Essex on 23 August 1955, and studied at Maidstone College of Art (1974-77) and, in London, at the Royal College of Art (1977-80). Since then she has taught Illustration at Cambridge College of Technology and Drawing at Chelsea Art College, while developing as one of the country’s most highly acclaimed illustrators. Her first illustrations - to Menuhin and Hope’s The King, the Cat and the Fiddle (1983) - were exhibited at the Barbic���an Centre and won her a runner’s up prize in the Mother Goose Award for 1984. She has since developed an impressive bibliography which includes the following prize-winning titles:
Susan Hill’s Can it be true? (Winner in age group, Smarties award 1988), Martin Waddell’s The Hidden House (W H Smith 1st prize 1991), Snow-White (W H Smith 2nd prize 1991), and Jenny Nimmo’s The Witches and the Singing Mice (Winner Rattenfanger literatur Pris 1994).

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