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Jane Johnson (born 1951)

Jane Johnson (born 1951)

As a sensitive illustrator and writer of children’s books, Jane Johnson has ranged between detailed recreations of the past and a juvenile perspective of the present.

Jane Johnson was born in London, and studied French at the University of East Anglia, graduating in 1973. She then worked as a designer of children’s books, first for Hodder & Stoughton (1974-76), and subsequently for Jonathan Cape Ltd (1976-81). In her spare time, she developed her talents as a writer and illustrator, producing lithographs for The Folio Society’s edition of Serghei Aksakov’s A Russian Gentleman (1976). Her own first book, Sybil and the Blue Rabbit (1980), won the Owl Prize in Japan and runner-up for the Mother Goose Award. The success of the following, Bertie on the Beach (1981), encouraged her to become a full-time illustrator – of books, magazines and greetings cards.

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