Together with the Picture Post article.
'This ' Heroic' Age
It seems to be the habit nowadays to exaggerate any effort by persons taking part in sport, or some ordinary daily incident, as "heroic" calling a man a hero if he scores the winning goal, or a stone-walling batsman's performance 'heroic' !
According to the dictionary a hero is the performer of a brave deed, an illustrious person, a principal figure in history or fiction; a man of super-human powers, or a demigod, etc.!
I read of a man, who left the Army 40 years ago,
just receiving the Meritorious Service Medal with 6d. per diem pension, and the added statement that this should be increased to make it 'worthy of a hero.'
Let us have a sense of proportion!
H B Callus, Hownslow, Middlesex'
Picture Post, 21 July 1951, 'Reader's Letters'