Orange Willows, January Flood, Holywell
Sutton Gault Washes, Cambridgeshire
Duck on a Punt, Cambridge
Trinity Gateway, Cambridge
Frozen Reeds, Wimpole
Loden-Wicken Fen
Wimpole, June
Winter Afternoon – Wimpole
St James' Church, Hemingford Grey
Across the Ouse to Hemingford Abbots
All Saints' Church, Hartford
Houghton Mill
Hall of Trinity College, Cambridge,1889
Great Court, Trinity College, 1889
Autumn on the Ouse
Sunny day on the Ouse
Apple Blossom, 2019
Fields Edge, August, Wimpole
White Butterflies - Field's Edge, Eversden
Teazle and Birch
Wild Carrot and Grasses
Chicory and Grass - Eversden Field, July
Blackbird and Sloes, November
Autumn Hedgerow, Wimpole
Hidcote Pond
All Saints Church from the Towpath, Hemingford ...
The Church by the Pond
County Songs XXXVII – Huntingdonshire
Wicken Fen – February
Cambridge Garden under Snow