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Church with Buttresses
Inside the Colosseum
India – land of Splendour
A Wee Nip
Battery Park, New York
Dorothea Quarry, Wales
Autumn Afterglow
Eynes End
Cafe de la Flotille, Versailles
Callers On Neguib
Pilot That Won't Be Dropped
Woad Rage
Sorry, Horatius, we won't need you after all For ...
I'm just Baby-Sitting While Maria's At the Shops
Triumphal March (Act Two, Scene 2)
View Near the Lake of Celano, Naples
La Roche-Guyon
Salmon Poles, Badentarbat
Palm, Bargemon
Salmon Nets, Badentarbat
Olive Plantation
Forest, Claviers
Vanishing Field to Olive Trees
Ground Net
Rusting Buoys on the Shoreline
Chez Sandoz, Bargemon, Two Windows and Table
Bamboo Pathway, Clos Du Peyronnet