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York Minster
Rue De Moussy
Arthur's Castle At Tintagel, Cornwall
The Lake of Perugia
Landscape with Castle Ruins
Britannia Cottage
Farmyard, Near Calne, Wiltshire
Quayside At Sunset
Piccadilly Circus
A Fly On the Water
Rock of Balmarussa, Tete Noire
The Banks of the Tiber
Village with a Ruined Tower
Below the Bridge
Earthquake Damage, Messina
Now St Medard Dwelt On the Banks of the Nile
Sydney from Point Piper
Cote D'azur from St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France
Houseboats, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, Thames
Spanish Landscape Near Ronda
Animals At the Farm Door
On the Road to Richmond
A Family of Woodlanders
Jacques and the Wounded Stag as You Like It, Act ...
Collecting Wood
The Gamekeeper
Figures Resting In a Hill Landscape
The Cottage by the Bridge
Talking to the Woodcutter