Please refine further in Artist, Subject category and Specialist Area filters below
Umberto Eco
Lord Alfred Douglas
Lloyd George
Lord Byron
Gore Vidal
George W Bush President Pinocchio
Oscar Wilde Better Deading than Reading
August Strindberg
Joseph Stalin
Nikita Khrushchev
Edmund Wilson
Portrait of Cecelia Howard, the Artist's Daughter
The Usual Suspects
Portrait of a Girl In a Headband, C1914
Portrait of a Woman In a Black Hat, C1915
Girl In a Headband, C1914
Maxwell Ayrton I
Miss Greek
The Chestnut Tree
Good Morning, Mary Green
Harry and Meghan
Michael Portillo
Elton John
Marcel Proust
'the Old War-Horse', Sir William Vernon Harcourt
Mr J Comyns Carr
Robert Taber