Chris Beetles Gallery, Ryder Street, London
6 June - 2 September 2023
Windmill and Marsh, Cley
Study of an older womans face
Woman in apron
Two women turning in violet dresses
Woman in a pink bonnet
Study of a woman walking away
The Old Tinker
Hurdle Makers
Hurdiss Farm, Harbury, Warwickshire
Souvenir of Turner, Port Ruysdael
St Peters, Rome, from the Pincio
Mameluke Tombs, Valley of the Khalifs, Cairo
Robin Hoods Bay
Village in the Himalayas
The Ford
Barden Tower, Yorkshire
Calvary, Brittany
The Boboli Gardens, Pitti Palace, Florence
And, missing thee, I walk unseen On the dry ...
A Thatched Cottage on a Lane
The Little Gardeners
Returning Home
Great Court, Trinity College, 1889
Hall of Trinity College, Cambridge,1889