Rural England
Valle Crucis – North Wales
Basia On a Hammock I 1975
Malcolm Muggeridge, Gilbert Harding, Richard ...
Max Beerbohm, In a Straw Hat
Sidney Bechet
Sir Hugh Walpole
Eugene Goossens
La Thorndyke as Phaedra
Caerphilly Castle
The Green, Upton On Severn
The Woodland
Flaming Chrysanthemums
Sunlit Wood
Incoming Tide, Off the Cornish Coast
The Thames – from Southwark Bridge ...
'..a Freshly Severed Head'
Chiesa Del Gesu
The Thames
Morning In the Mountains: Savoy
Barmouth Estuary
Gran'pop Tries a Flu Remedy
Bernina Pass - Looking Towards Switzerland
The University
St Paul's Cathedral – the North-West corner ...
Caerphilly Castle, Wales
Beachy Head