General Lord Chelmsford, GCB 'Isandula'
Sir John George Tollemache Sinclair, Bart, MP 'A ...
The Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham 'Youth'
Colonel Lewis Guy Phillips 'Order at Wimbledon'
Lord Headley 'A loyal Irishman'
Viscount Castlereagh, MP 'C'
Lord Kensington, MP 'A Whip'
Colonel Charles Napier Sturt 'A Younger Son'
Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar 'Guards'
The Right Hon Sir John Charles Dalrymple Hay, ...
Sir William Augustus Fraser, of Morar, Bart, ...
Sir Henry Drummond-Wolff, KCMG, MP 'Consular ...
The Earl of Desart 'Chesterfield Letters'
The Earl of Harrington 'An Unexpected Earl'
The Right Honourable Lord Otho Augustus ...
Mr Washington Hibbert 'A Londoner'
Mr William Powell Frith, RA 'The Derby-Day'
Mr Charles Gilpin, MP 'Capital Punishment'
Mr George Bentinck, MP 'Big Ben'
Mr Alexander D. R. W Baillie-Cochrane ...
Dr Jackson, The Bishop of London 'One Who Has ...
General Trochu 'The Hope of France'
Self Portrait
A Market Place, Kingston, Jamaica
St Clement's Bay, Jersey
The Pig's Fair
Eliza, are these all your laying?
The Cricket Match
He Cut, He Drew, He Hooked
The End of the Second Innings, Lost Ball, Watching ...