Home > Artists > Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers (born 1977)

Oliver Jeffers (born 1977)

Oliver Jeffers’ award-winning picture books comprise just one element of his wide-ranging artistic oeuvre. He also produces figurative paintings, prints, illustrations and installations, and works both alone and with OAR, an art collective that he co-founded.

Oliver Jeffers was born in Port Hedland, Western Australia, and moved to Belfast in 1979. He seriously considered painting as a career in 1995, when he became runner-up in the Irish News amateur art competition. From that date, he contributed to exhibitions in Belfast, and soon began to design book jackets for local publishing houses. Studying Illustration and Visual Communication at the University of Ulster, he graduated with a first class degree in 2001.
During the year 1999-2000, Jeffers took a break from university, and travelled to Australia and the USA.

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