Home > Artists > Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe

Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe OBE RA RE VPSWLA (1901-1979)

Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe, OBE RA RE VPSWLA (1901-1979)

One of the foremost wildlife artists of the twentieth century, Charles Tunnicliffe displayed his talents in an impressive range of formats and media, including watercolours, oils, etchings and wood engravings.

Charles Tunnicliffe was born in Langley, Cheshire, on 1 December 1901, the only son of the five children of the shoemaker turned tenant farmer, William Tunnicliffe, and his wife, Margaret (née Mitchell), a farmer’s daughter. He grew up on Lane Ends Farm in nearby Sutton, and was educated at St James’s Church of England School, where teachers fostered his talent for art. He studied briefly at Macclesfield School of Art, in 1915, at the age of 14, before moving to Manchester School of Art, in the same year. In 1921, he won a Royal Exhibition Scholarship to the Royal College of Art (1921-25); there he met Malcolm Salaman, who helped him launch his career as a printmaker. He would be elected an associate of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers in 1929, and full member in 1934.

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Birds (5)
Cows & Cattle (1)
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Farm Animals (1)
Horses (4)
Wild Animals (3)
Wildlife (British) (1)

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Traditional Occupations (1)

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Cheshire (1)

Countries & Regions
India (2)

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Season: Spring (1)

Trees & Shrubs (2)

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