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Above Wengen, Switzerland

Cecil Arthur Hunt (1873-1965)



Watercolour with bodycolour

9 x 13 inches

'Chris Beetles Summer Show 2024', Chris Beetles Gallery, London, June-September 2024, no 109

Hunt visited Wengen in 1931 (in the same trip as the Hanging Monasty, Meteora, Thessaly, 108) and in the sketchbook of that year, there is a photograph of his wife, Phyllis and his son, Vernon at a fancy dress party in Wengen.
A keen climber and member of the Alpine Club, Hunt was inspired by the imposing scenery and clarity of light at Wengen and also sketched Lauterbrunnen, Thun and Spiez, the same areas that Albert Goodwin had been similarly inspired to paint a few decades earlier. [Sketchbook 31]

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