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Pump Court, Vine Yard, Southwark

Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864)




7 x 9 ½ inches

'The Long Nineteenth Century: Treasures and Pleasures', Chris Beetles Gallery, London, March - April 2014, no 77

Vine Yard ran from Tooley Street to Pickleherring Stairs on the River Thames, between London Bridge and Tower Bridge. The street pattern in the area has greatly changed as the result of fire, wartime bombing and property development, though a cul-de-sac called Vine Lane remains.

The British Museum owns a similar watercolour by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd of the same subject but with fewer figures, dated 1854, which was once owned by the interior designer, Frederick Crace, as part of his collection of London topography.

Both seem to be based on a watercolour of 1828 by John Chessell Buckler (1793-1894) in the collections of the City of London.

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