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The Skull
The Sunrise
Home Chat
A French Postillion 'out at elbow' taking snuff
Nude lying on her side
Areas of the UK have been described as horrendous ...
Portrait of Gillian
Prima Donna
Toothy Portraits
All the King's Horses and All the King's Men
Parisien Café Sketches
My dear, we're organising a big spending drive to ...
Pointing a finger
The Beribboned Hat
The Embroidered Bodice
Woman Looking over Her Shoulder
Study For 'Death and the Carter'
Standing Nude
Sod and Soul
'I've seen the imperial family several times'
Aunt March
'Mrs Kirke welcomed me so kindly'
Nude Studies
Man holding a rope
Now then! you tiresome boy, what is it you wish to ...
Girl Combing Her Hair
Barefoot Dancer
Dancer Twisted to One Side
Cigarette Break