If I see or hear, once again, the words: SCENARIO, ...
'I woke up to find I had grown up no to anyone ...
Clare Hollingworth Will Be Greatly Missed. Who's ...
Anthony Burgess
John Milton and Friend
Canadian Press Corps
In the nativity play I'm the journalist who hacks ...
Philip Roth
Henry Lucy At Boodles
The Reporter
George Grossmith Jr
Mr Clement King Shorter 'Three Editors'
Mr Walter Herries Pollock 'The Saturday Review'
Sir William Christopher Leng 'The Sheffield Daily ...
Mr Alexander D. R. W Baillie-Cochrane ...
Salman Rushdie
D H Lawrence
Gunther Grass
Dylan Thomas
V S Naipaul
Samuel Beckett
Teddy Roosevelt
Julian Barnes
Vladimir Nabokov
George Bernard Shaw
Jean Paul Sartre
Iris Murdoch
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Erica Jong
Susan Sontag