Home > Exhibitions > Spirit of England Part 12

Spirit of England Part 12

4th July

Chris Beetles Gallery, Ryder Street, London

4 - 11 July 2020

Happy 4th July.

In America, it is Independence Day and we wish them happier days ahead.

Here, the Spirit of England is running high and volatile; it is Freedom To Go Down The Pub Day. Restaurants can open again. Your favourite hostelry awaits your patronage. Unless it is my beloved Le Caprice which has closed forever. This is the end of a branch of civilisation as I know it. Indeed it is rumoured that the celebrated Maitre'D, Jesus Adorno, was walled up in the kitchen as they left with a supply of salmon fishcakes and stake tartare for the after life. This calls for a drink. The cartoonists who are not known for holding back will now join you down the pub to celebrate... but don’t expect them to buy a round.

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