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Fougasse (Cyril Kenneth Bird CBE) (1887-1965)

Cyril Kenneth Bird, CBE (1887-1965), known as ‘Fougasse’

As cartoonist, art editor and editor, Kenneth Bird transformed the style of Punch. His own contributions pared down human activity with such economy as to suggest the essence of modern life. This approach also had a significant influence on advertising, as in the emphasis on the elegant streamlining of Austin Reed’s ‘New Tailoring’.

Kenneth Bird was born at 26 Westbourne Terrace Road, Paddington, London, on 17 December 1887, the younger son of Arthur Bird, London merchant and England cricketer, and his wife, Mary (née Wheen). He was educated at Warwick House, Maida Vale (1893-98), Farnborough Park School, Hampshire (1898-1902), and Cheltenham College (1902-4), before reading Civil Engineering at King’s College, London (1904-8). He also took evening classes at the Regent Street Polytechnic and the LCC School of Photo-Engraving and Lithography, Bolt Court, Fleet Street.

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