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John Norris Wood (1930-2015)

John Norris Wood (1930-2015)

John Norris Wood combined artistic skill and scientific knowledge to become a distinguished natural history illustrator. A committed conservationist, with a passionate love of animals, he has undertook many expeditions and supported various environmental associations. An influential teacher, he pioneered courses on scientific and natural history illustration at Hornsey College of Art and the Royal College of Art.

The son of the eminent physician, Wilfrid Burton Wood, John Norris Wood was born in London on 29 November 1930, and grew up in Shalford Green, near Braintree, Essex. His parents – and their gardeners – encouraged his early love of nature. Educated at Bryanston School, he was influenced by the art master, Charles Handley-Read who, in turn, introduced him to Edward Bawden.