Home > Artists > Bill Stott

Bill Stott (born 1944)

William Stott (born 1944)

Bill Stott is one of the best-known of contemporary cartoonists, and his humour can be considered alongside that of fellow Merseyside draughtsmen, Bill Tidy, Pete and Mike Williams, and Norman Thelwell.

Bill Stott was born in Preston, Lancashire, and attended the local art college. He then studied in Liverpool, later settling there to work as an art teacher. Whilst working as a teacher, he had his first cartoon published in Punch, launching his career as a cartoonist. Since then, his work has appeared regularly in national newspapers and such publications as Private Eye, The Automobile, Classic Car Buyer and Saga Magazine. A founder member of the Professional Cartoonists’ Association, he has also produced a wide range of books and calendars. In April 2014, he helped organise the annual Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival and in August was involved in the Herne Bay Cartoon Festival. His work has recently been published in Financial World and The Oldie and he served as chair of the Professional Cartoonists’ Association, stepping down in 2018. He is also a keen painter.

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