Home > Artists > Randolph Schwabe

Randolph Schwabe RWS LG NEAC (1885-1948)

Randolph Schwabe, RWS LG NEAC (1885-1948)

A clear eye and sure hand enabled Randolph Schwabe to produce drawings, etchings and lithographs of consistent clarity and strength. Trained at the Slade School of Fine Art, he would return there to become an influential Principal and Professor. He also held a significant position as an official war artist in both world wars. Though he is best remembered for his attentive, absorbing images of buildings and landscapes, his subjects included figures and still life compositions, and he also produced illustrations and designs for
the theatre.

Randolph Schwabe was born at Alsbach House, 4 Cambridge Grove, Eccles, Lancashire, on 9 May 1885, the younger son of Lawrence Schwabe and Octavie Henriette (née Ermen). His paternal grandfather, a cotton merchant, had migrated from Germany to England in 1820.

Having failed in various business enterprises, Lawrence Schwabe finally settled with his family in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, and set up as a letterpress printer and stationer.

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