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'Church of St. Michael, Crooked Lane
Miles's, or rather St. Michael's Lane, was long distinguished by a Dissenting Meeting House. Crooked Lane runs from Miles's Lane to Fish Street Hill, and was remarkable for the manufacture of fishing-tackle, bird-cages, hand-mills, &c. At the south side of this avenue stood the parish church of St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, built by Sir Christopher Wren; but recently taken down in forming the approaches to the New London Bridge. Indeed, the whole of this neighbourhood is undergoing a total change for the above object, and will shortly retain little or no vestige of its former state. In this church William Walworth, who killed Wat Tyler, was buried, whose epitaph, in uncouth rhyme, is recorded by Weever, in his Funeral Monuments.'
London and Its Environs, 1829, page 154