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The next few hours were busy ones for the crew ...
Even the ship's cat was put off his dinner
The crew grumbled about the food
Tim would visit Ginger as often as he could and ...
Ginger I am sorry to say was a lazy and ...
When the weather was fine and he had no duties to ...
They moved slowly down the wide river to the open ...
Tim to the Rescue [I]
The Ship Bore Them Away
Yacht Repair Sheds, Poole
Prospect of Whitby, Wapping
Cleopatra's Needle
Royal Salute, the Tower of London
The National Gallery, London
Marsham Street, Westminster
Nubar Gulbenkian and his Bentley
The Royal Diamond Jubilee Procession
I'm back from my firm's Christmas party
So there's yet another train strike today ...
Lake Scene
Standing her Ground
2,000,000 Pints of Guiness to Liverpool
Old Father Time
New York Life
c1927 Waiting for the Boat, Dieppe Harbour
Rob In Ship's Bunk
Benk Benk
Cod Fisheries, Newfoundland
Fur Trading, Canada