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Kipper Williams (born 1951)

Kipper Williams (born 1951)

Kipper Williams is a popular and regular cartoonist for the Spectator, the Oldie, Private Eye and The Critic. His strip cartoon 'London Calling' recently appeared in the London Evening Standard.

Christopher Williams was born in the Wirral, Cheshire, on 30 December 1951, the son of local government officer Aubrey Williams. His nickname ‘Kipper’ came from a childhood pronunciation of Christopher. Attending Ellesmere Port Grammar School before studying fine art at Leeds University (1970-74) and the Royal College of Art (1974-76), he created cartoons as a ‘reaction against traditional fine art and painting’. In 1973, whilst at Leeds, his contributions to the
Leeds Student Magazine formed the basis of his first collection of cartoons, winning him a New Statesman/NUS Student Journalist Competition the following year.

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