And when did you first start feeling grim?
I'm sure it was the Viagra that killed him
If that's Death I'm not in
It Was Brenda's Last Wish, That I Invite Our ...
Well, I Think Using Drones to Catch Shoplifters Is ...
Tombs of the Mammeluks, Cairo
... And to my son, Gerald, I leave an hereditary ...
' 'Tis In Vain, For He Is Not Come Again'
They Never Forget
Right Lad, that's two Guinness, a white wine, two ...
I Got Bored with the Pale Horse so I Swapped It ...
Calvary, Brittany
Can I borrow the pale horse tonight, dad?
Marching Skeletons
Coleford, Somerset
Found Drowned, Shepton Mallet, Somerset 'Take Her ...
Benn waiting long?
'Apocalyptic' surge in food prices...
Sorry I'm late, J.B, but we do need to do ...
Caution Wet Floor
He didn't wake up this morning
Hitching a Lift with the Hearse
Love's Last Seal, or 'Cold Mutton'
Funeral Directors at Play
100 Things To Do Before You Die
Christo It's a Wrap
'That stuff will kill you' 'What, again?'
Bob Going to Heaven Quickly
Probably a final farewell too many