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Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon ...
A Nightmare. Mr Henry James Subpoena'd, as ...
R E Belilios 'Billy'
Self Portrait with Family
John Lennon in Strawberry Fields Forever
Peter Kay
Philip Roth
'At Cowes' The R.Y.S
Archer Baker 'CPR in Europe'
Henry Lucy At Boodles
The Prince of Wales At the Moulin Rouge
The Reporter
Walter L Gladstone of Court Hey
George Grossmith Jr
Gentleman with Hands In His Pockets
An Elegant Gentleman
Lord Randolph Churchill
Beast of Burden
Lord Stanley of Alderley
H.R.H The Prince of Wales 'H.R.H.'
Col. Frank Shuttleworth 'Charlie'
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy 'The Canadian Pacific'
Allan Aynesworth 'Tony'
Mr Henry J Wood 'Queen's Hall'
Mr Albert Brassey 'The Master of the Heythrop'
The Dean of Westminster 'An Erudite Dean'
Mr Egerton Castle 'He insists that his pen is ...
Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim 'In The Clouds'
The Reverend Edgar Sheppard, DD, CVO 'A Great ...
Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, Mus Doc, LLD, ...