Kevin had a Plan. Simple yet Undeniably Effective
The Holiday Spirit
Squirrel In Autumn
Eagle Owls
Home Sweet Home I
Home Sweet Home II
At last – a nice clear road
Gustav Mole and Family Eat Out In France
English Hare
All Kinds of Animals
Antler Friends
Ship Tree
Look out!! It's a Raabit!!
A Roe Fawn among the grass
Playful sow patting boar's face
The sneeze
Badger digging out a rabbit's nest
Cracking a nut by torch light March/55
Badger routing for bluebells
Cubs playing around the 'playtree'
Sow emerging from the main entrance to the set
A pheasant and a badger II
Wild cat with rabbit
Roe and Buck in an enclosure
The Twinkling Tail
Pipistrelle + Long Eared Bats
Many Deer
Doe and Doe Head Studies